Moderated By Jack and Oliver For Tradegame Lab
Update 1.2.0 is now out!!! Check the app store for this update..........Please ask any questions on our Forums.........Do You need Help?,Find it here....... More Updates coming soon with multiplayer, events and allot more.......Please review the game in the app store

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Air Tycoon 2 Nearly Submitted to Apple

Air Tycoon 2 is about to be Submitted to Apple.

According to the Developer the game will be submitted to Apple on the 26th Of November(This Month)

If all goes to plan it will be released Early December.

The Original Release will not include the Highly anticipated Multiplayer Mode which is expected to be released in the first update.
View the rest of this Post for more Info.


After Testing the game for a few weeks i can say that the game is nearly complete. There are a few important bugs that are being ironed out but when they are fixed the game will be submitted to apple. As said before that will be around the 26th.

What Has Happened since the first BETA?
Since the First BETA there has been lots of things added. To make it simple to view i will put them down in dot points. Here are a few of the things been added.

- More Company Logo's
- Tutorial
- Buying out Competitors
- More Info at Beginning of Turn
- More Sound Tracks
- Changed the Zoom Limit
- Lots of Bug Fixes

What may be Planed for Future Updates?
- Multiplayer Mode to get added
- Disasters
- New Methods of setting up Routes
- Possibly More Airports
- Possibly More Airports
- Stop Over Routes
- Upload your own Logo
- More than one plane per route

What Price Is Predicted for the Game?
- $2.49 Au on release (Not Confirmed)
- $3.99 Au after release (Not Confirmed)
- $1.19 In App Purchase for more Airports (Not Confirmed), It may be cut meaning that they might all be out for Free.

All Prices are not confirmed, Future updates may not include the features we have listed. 

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