Well the time has come. You can now enjoy all that Air Tycoon 2 has to offer. This doesn't mean this site will dwindle away like many other sites about game, NO. We'll keep it up to date with the latest updates, tips, secrets, cheats, EVERYTHING. So come back regularly, even subscribe to our feed. You wont be disappointed.
We here at Air Tycoon 2 Blog would like to thank the team over at Tradegame Lab for using this as the AT2 support site. If there are any questions needed then just ask away here. We'll be happy to help!
Enjoy your time as an Air Tycoon. I wish you all luck. :)
We leave you with the logo:

I would like it to be an iPad version too!!!
ReplyDeleteIs an Android version in planning??
ReplyDelete+1 to an Android version,
Deletei used to play this on iphone and loved it, but just migrated over to android.
DeletePlease make an android, I used to play this game 24/7 on my ipod but I cant now cause im on android so please please please make one for android.
DeletePlease please please please please please please please make an Andriod version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will do anything I would came and wash your dishes for you guys. PLease please make an android version!!!!!!!!!!!!! I beg of you please please. I'm on my knees. Just make one I dont even care If you only give us 3 planes to choose from just develope one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm begging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI'm begging for an android version too!!!!
DeletePlease!! (on my knees!!!)
Please. Dont forget the IPad!!! If possible one version for both.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure about Android but at some point they may be a universal update(Not sure). I don't know yet but AT2 may actually look good on the ipad how it is.
ReplyDeleteAT2 does look fairly good on the iPad in the 1X mode.
ReplyDeleteHow do you sell airplanes?
Ignore the question about selling airplanes.
ReplyDeleteThats great to hear. 1x mode being ipod size o the screen?
ReplyDeletei really like air tycoon 2! it´s perfectly made!
but there's a problem:
my first time playing it wasn't very succesful and i ran out of money - bancrupt. so i wanted to play for a new try, but it has "remembered" somehow my bancrupt of the old game, so it already quits after the first quarter. what can i do now?
in a future update could we add the following planes.
Embraer E170
Embraer E175
Embraer E190
Embraer E195
Thanks so much for this game, its definetly worth $5.
it's seems a great game.
ReplyDeletebut $4.99....... it's tooooo expensive.
this scared many ppl...
Yes the Dev asked me if that price was a bit to much. I said yep. He might lower the price we never no.
ReplyDeleteLove it, but there is a problem selling aircraft. When I buy new replacement aircraft and go to sell, it won't let me sell the older aircraft of the same model. This makes the game impossible to play after the end of the aircrafts useful life. Until this is fixed, the game is unplayable past a certain point.
ReplyDeleteYes. The developer is aware of this and it will be fixed asap.
ReplyDeleteReference on the iPad - when the game initially opens, the game is the size of an iPhone/iPod. In the lower right corner is a button which is labelled 2X. Pushing the button causes the game to expand to the iPad screen size. The graphics aren't as good as an app built for the iPad, but the game looks good and is very playable.
ReplyDeleteBoeing planes are more expensive than Aerobus planes - is there any advantage to using Boeing planes (lower maintenance costs?) instead of Aerobus?
Are Boeing planes faster? If so then they will be a small benefit in future updates.
ReplyDeleteit would be more perfect and realistic if...
ReplyDelete- picking flight number for those routes is possible
- negociate joint venture flight with AI competitor?
i am sure it will be a big challenger for the developer~~
Hi. Can anyone tell me how to open a cargo route? The game tells me I need distribution points, but I can't see how to craete them.
Can you add the following planes :
Q200 (Dash 8-100)
Q300 (Dash 8-300)
Can you add the A330-200 A330-300 Boeing 747-8 intercontinental
ReplyDeleteYou should remove the A310, A300, 767-200ER, 737-600, 747-400 aren't in production
Distribution centers - Select the city, put your finger on the top of the city tab, and swipe left. Four industries are available.
ReplyDeleteCan we see an iPad version?
ReplyDeleteI too would also like to see the A330 family, and 757 family, as well as some Embraers or turboprops.
Are you guys the developers? I had some comments that could be taken into consideration for future versions that I posted as a comment to the Lite version (don't see the point in buying it till it's more complex), and I thought I'd post those comments here as well:
ReplyDelete1. The whole F/J/Y is a great concept to add, but completely unpredictable. Demand doesn't reflect the Business/ Tourism values for a city (what are those anyway? per day/ week/ proportional?)
2. Even if the Business fare is lower than Coach fare, Coach has higher occupancy. Occupancy seems to increase with an increase in fare for Business or with a decrease in Coach fares. It makes no sense whatsoever and I'd like the creator to explain what logic they are using. Premium demand seems to be non-existent between city pairs that are near each other, even when they apparently have high Business population (LON-PAR)
3. In terms of complexity not much is new in this version. Hub and spoke demand isn't reflected. Different routes from one point to another via different hubs isn't considered. Everything is O&D which makes things boring. Similarly, having multiple aircraft types doesn't seem to increase maintenance and staff costs.
4. Aircrafts should be managed as a type, not individually. No airline has different configurations on each aircraft to suit each route they operate. The bigger problem is the inability to use an aircraft on more than one route. Each aircraft can do a certain number of flight hours in a week - so one should at least be able to assign these over various destinations, especially when starting off with low demand, brand value and funds.
5. The demand between cities is too low. It's also not representative of real world demand, so I'd suggest checking up these values (for each COS) and readjusting them. They seem to be distant dependent, but in reality LON-SYD has a huge demand, while TLV-RUH close to zero. And this means it's not possible to use aircraft like the 777 or 380. The 330s are missing.
6. There is no explanation of what ground staff, crew, marketing personnel etc do and how increasing the expenditure on them makes any difference.
7. Cargo volumes are far too low for all the hassle of acquiring three hubs, distribution channels and then expensive aircraft, only to find that demand is tiny.
The GUI is nicer than the previous version and it's nice to be able to zoom. It would be nice to see routes shown in different colors and thickness of line for the same airline just to show things like how busy the route is or how much money it is making.
Hi Everyone
ReplyDeleteThe games Dev's are going over these comments analysing all they can.
As for everyone asking for planes to be added. There is a chance some might be added in the future.
@Ug No we are not the Dev's. But we are basically part of the team. We do the spelling and grammar checking for the game. We also run this site for the dev's and post any info he wants us to. Trust me when i say this "The dev sees what you are saying" So dont think we are ignoring you.As for those errors Ug i am sure a few of those will get sorted out soon.
Thanks Jack Cooksey
Airtycoon 2 Blog
Hi Jack,
ReplyDeleteSince you're doing the spellchecking for the game, would you polease change "Replay Loan" to "Repay Loan"?
And in the Aircraft Maintenance window, please change "Facilites" to "Facilities."
Also, please tell the Dev's that after a competitor goes bankrupt, their logo should be removed from the competitor box (in each of the route).
Along the lines of Ug's comment, the demand for tourism and business hardly correlates with the real world. How can business in China be rated below 75? They produce and export everything to everywhere in the world!
Have them look at this
And for tourism rating, have the Dev's take a look at this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Tourism_rankings
or this
...simple Googling can get you a long way.
@Pun C will do
ReplyDeletesending this to the dev now.
@ Ug "2. Even if the Business fare is lower than Coach fare, Coach has higher occupancy. Occupancy seems to increase with an increase in fare for Business or with a decrease in Coach fares. It makes no sense whatsoever and I'd like the creator to explain what logic they are using. Premium demand seems to be non-existent between city pairs that are near each other, even when they apparently have high Business population (LON-PAR)"
ReplyDeleteI seam to be able to operate different seat classes well and make a better profit (Some times 2x more then what I would get if i had 3 economy seats rather then business class seats. Why is there a problem?
@Pun Thanks for letting us know about those mistakes. Passed them on to the developer :)
ReplyDelete@Oliver cooksey: The problem is this: If my Coach fare is $500 and my Business fare is $400, why is Business empty and Coach still full? Doesn't matter what the profit is, but the AI algorithms are faulty.
ReplyDeleteFirst and Business seem to have a price inelastic demand where I can charge $200 or $2000 and get the same occupancy, but they are inversely proportional to the Coach fare.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy question is why you would even run buissness class like that?
ReplyDeleteI'm quoting an extreme, but that's not the point. Why is the game functioning like that?
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice to be able to set default values for service, number of flights, and price. For example I normally set service to premium, number of flights and price to maximum. Also, be able to set default first/business class/economy configurations for each type of plane. This way, one would save time opening routes...
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work and the updates coming...
I understand AirTycoon II is built on realistic fleet types and NEW a/c only, and thus I echo the earlier comments about needing the Embraer E-jet family...though a simple EMB-170 and -190 or -195 would suffice, as all four variants may be overkill. In addition, adding the EMB-145 XRJ (unless they've halted production of them all together in Brazil these days) would provide an option to the CRJ. And speaking of regional aircraft, the lone turboprop still in production in today's market, the Bombardier Q400, also seems to be absent from the Bombardier list.
ReplyDeleteEven though Boeing isn't rolling-out new 757's, perhaps throwing the 757 family into the mix with a medium cost but a shorter life expectancy (due to the "used" nature of the a/c) would be acceptable? Same with MD-88, MD-90 and 717's as they are still a staple of many fleets today. And if we've got the 787 in this sim, then other NextGen fleet types such as the Mitsubishi MRJ and Sukoi's RJ might also be good additions.
There have also been a ton of cities thrown out that folks would like to see added (most in North America), and indeed PHX, PDX, STL, PHL, DTW (and possibly even MEM, IND, PIT, CLE, or CVG - all current or former hubs) seem logical adds. After all, DTW has the auto industry (good for at least a 50 or 60 business ranking, I'd think) and MEM is currently the America's largest freight airport (and home to FedEx, nonetheless). A few more cities in up-and-coming China such as Guangzhou (CAN), and at least one more Caribbean destination (SXM?) might be good fits proving more realistic alternatives as well.
Would like to see used aircraft types. Used planes = shorter life expectancy + slightly lower purchase cost, but higher maintenance costs and more problems.
ReplyDeletePlease make a MAC APP STORE VERSION! I would totally love to play this on my MAC LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteAn Mac App store version is not really being considered at the moment as the main focus is on IOS but it might be considered in the future.
ReplyDeleteHi I am lost. It says raise advertising levels to get an increase in Nanette value. I can't seem to see that anywhere. Can someone please help. By the way great game thanks.
ReplyDeleteSorry last should have said increase in name value
ReplyDelete@Anonymous (March 6 3:11am)If you click the button that shows the Calculator and folder than click the second button in that then click the arrow until you get to advertising and increase it there. If you watch the Tutorial this should be explained.
ReplyDeleteAlso please ask any further questions on the help page.
ReplyDeleteThe game crashes with 500+ flight lines ...... /.\
ReplyDeleteWe have already replied to this problem many times on our Help/Questions page. Can you please look there and/or ask your questions there.
ReplyDeletewe are trying to fix all bugs.
I'm a french guy, I asked to french translation plz :)
ReplyDeleteHow do you incrase value of society?
Why AI have loooooottttt of value more than me, than i have better marketing, metter namevalue, better technical and #1 in numbers of passagers....
It could be that you are not filling your planes up. Try using smaller planes, Also your routes could be bad, Try using better more efficient routes.
ReplyDeleteGreat game! can't stop playing.
ReplyDeleteWe should have some other freighters, such as the 727F, 737F, 757CPF and the new converted a320F.
Some propp. freighters (ATRs, Dash) with small capacity should also be awesome.
Regarding commercial planes, what about Sukhoi RRJ100 or the CS300 from Bombardier?
Embrear is massively missing!
The idea of the lounges is great,
when it comes to sell old planes, great that now you can sell a whole model, but could we also have the opportunity to select the number of planes from the same model to be sold? just like when we buy them?
Kepp rocking that's all!
You guys should make a version for the Mac. That would be awesome!
ReplyDeletei have got to 382 trillion dollars as myu company value but instead of my company going up each quarter it goes down by 2 tillion dollars. The interest rate is 3.9% but it still goes down even though it should go up the amount it is going down in value and cash. Please fix this.
ReplyDeleteAnger person
Are u going to make the game for Android devices ?
ReplyDeletehi guys,
ReplyDeleteis it possible for you guys to create this game for android?
i bought both games for iPhone but sadly, the iPhone became too far behind technologically so converted to Android, to which is in my opinion, better than iOS (dont bother winging saying ios is best), but missing my favourite pass-time game.
Thank You
Hi ! I am From poland and i have a problem . I do not understand this gamę and i always have money and value on minus (-) . Who can help me ?
ReplyDeleteMy name is Jakub kisała search me on facebook :)
@Jakub kisała : the point of this game is too build a lot of road with CRJ planes. Don't use any other plane or you're sure to get screwed up by the AI. Also you can also only start in Europe or in the USA, why ? Simply because there are many cities close to each other. Starting in any other continent is the best way to loose.
ReplyDeleteDon't open any long haul route before the AI. Once the opens one just buy the same aircraft model, add more frequency, keep service and fare lower and you'll always beat it.
If you follow my advices, you can buy-out all the AI opponents before your fleets gets too old.
To the devs : what do you get for winning awards in this game ? Just some pop-up window every year stating you have won ? Well that's just great.
This game had a lot of potential but still to many glitches to be fun playing after you understood that there is only one way to beat the AI. If you don't use the same aircraft as the AI on a certain route, you're guaranteed to lose money on that route. This is especially true on long-haul route.
Finally, don't ever use the A380. Except if you're the first on the route but as soon as the competition arrives, you'll need to move it to another route.
April from Taiwan
Are you planning a Mac-based version of this game? Perhaps with some improved graphics (for the larger screen); more cities, more aircraft, more control (fine-tune) over operations management, real-time play, ability to import a logo and maybe even a "paint job designer" for the planks, etc.
ReplyDeleteI'd be happy to discuss it more with you. I've given it a lot of thought and would be happy to discuss my ideas..... no charge! I just want the game!
I'd be willing to pay around $15 on the Mac App Store for a game like that, and I'm sure other would too. I play AirTycoon 2 literally everyday, several times a day and LOVE it! I just wish there were a comparable game on the Mac side of things.
Thanks for making such a great game! I really hope to see more from you guys! Maybe a CruiseTycoon game where you manage a cruise line?
Can you please do android I will pay ££ I miss this now ive not got my iphone
ReplyDeleteI think the developers need to listen to the market. Lot of people have migrated away from the I-Crap and gone to the Android, your game should follow. Not making one for it is just limiting your market...
ReplyDeletecould please someone advise me, how to open a CARGO ROUTE?
1. All cargo airlines
ReplyDelete2.Have regional airlines. Example: delta connection
3. Airline alliances
4. Plane options. Example: TV for every seat
5 Destinations-Ft Lauterdale
- Halifax
- St. Louis
- Newark
- New York LaGuardia
- London Gatwick
- Fairbanks
- Orange County
- Buffalo
- Oklahoma City
- Nassau
- Montego Bay
- St Maarten
- Kingston
- Aruba
5. Planes
- Dash 8 100,200,300,400
- Erj 135, 145
- A350
- Art 72
- 737er
- 777-200lr
- CRJ 705
- 717
- MD 80,88,90
6. More realistic Routes. Quantas can fill a a380 from lax to syd and you can barely fill a 777-200
7. Connecting Flights
8. Vacation Packages
I AGREE. Especially on the a380 thing. Also It would be awesome if on a mac of pc version you could allow the person to modify the seats because on my A380s i have a lot of unfilled economy and I wish that I can make the seats bigger and reduce the amount of seats so that Im pleasing my customers more and not wasting seats.
Delete+1 on android version. I had an iPhone and switched about a year ago, and its disappointing not having the game available for android. Please consider, I'm sure alot of people will pay good money to see it on android
+1 on android version also. I've been trying to look for a similar game ever since I switched but I couldn't find one. I'd gladly pay!
ReplyDeleteOMGGGGGGG I am waiting since 2years now.. played this game alot on iphone 3G and after switching to android still waiting for it.. the developers of this game are sleeping :)
ReplyDeleteAndroid android. android android android android android android android android android android android
ReplyDeleteANDROID ANDROID ANDROID. I'd pay $20 for it.....
ReplyDeleteMake an Android Version of Air Tycoon 2......
ReplyDeleteThis game is lagging badly on my iPod Touch 4G, and I have spend money on a Nexus 7.....
please make an android version please :) of air tycoon please i pay
ReplyDeletePlease make an android version of the game...
ReplyDeletePlease give android users some idea if you are ever going to release a version for us.
ReplyDeletePlease we need an android version!!